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Sedar Meal - 2nd grade

The 2nd graders in preparation for their First Communion have been learning about the Jewish holiday of Passover and the Seder meal. This was the meal that Jesus was sharing with His Apostles at the Last Supper where He instituted the Holy Eucharistic. This meal shared yearly in the Jewish community commemorates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The term Passover was derived from the night that they were instructed to apply the blood of the Lamb over their door so the angel of death would Passover them. The 2nd graders recognize that Jesus became our Lamb who shed his blood so that we too shall have eternal life.

The 2nd graders in preparation for their First Communion have been learning about the Jewish holiday of Passover and the Seder meal. This was the meal that Jesus was sharing with His Apostles at the Last Supper where He instituted the Holy Eucharistic. This meal shared yearly in the Jewish community commemorates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The term Passover was derived from the night that they were instructed to apply the blood of the Lamb over their door so the angel of death would Passover them. The 2nd graders recognize that Jesus became our Lamb who shed his blood so that we too shall have eternal life.

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