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Christmas Trees & Cups!
The 2nd graders continue using STEM projects to practice cooperative learning and problem solving skills. They made Christmas Trees using...

Christmas Around the World
The second graders started a journey around the world to learn about different Christmas customs. First stop was Germany. We learned many...

The second grade concluded their study of the rainforest with an artistic flair. They watched step by step videos to create red-eyed tree...

Mrs. Buono took on the challenge!
Notre Dame took on the Principal Challenge to celebrate National Young Readers Week, November 7-11. Since 1989, National Young Readers...

In 4th grade, we are learning about mold and cast fossils. The space made in the play dough by our various "fossils" represent the mold...

Holy Trinity & Candy Corn!
The second graders followed a recipe for a delicious Trinity Treat! They created a 3 layer dessert the colors of candy corn. They learned...

Candy Towers
The second graders conducted their first STEM activity. They had to plan and design a candy tower. They had to work with their group and...

Pumpkin Characters
The First and Second grade families created pumpkin characters based on books that the students read for their October book report. All...

Fire Safety!
This week we had a visit from the Safety Smoke House and the Fire Department! The 3 year olds through 2nd grade truly enjoyed learning...

Edible Deserts
The 2nd grade is learning about habitats and the first one they learned about us the desert. As a culminating unit project they built...
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