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Skittles and M&M's
The middle school students were studying the probability of picking a particular color from a bag of M&Ms or skittles. They also looked...

Blessing of the Pets
Monday, October 3rd we honored St. Francis with a Blessing of the Pets prayer service. Father King and a few of our 8th grade students...

8th Grade Pinning
The 8th grade students were recognized following Mass on September 29th for being the leaders and role models, leading our school this...

Patterns & Pairs!
The Kindergarten and their 8th grade buddy paired up and had the chance to make pasta necklaces. It was a great opportunity for the...

Pool Noodles, Buttons, etc.
Some of the Art classes are going to be working on several sculpture projects this year to show it isn't always about clay. The students...

Work & Power!
Today the 7th grade did a lab on power. The objective was to figure out how much power, in watts, they produced from lifting a weight. ...

Science, Exploration, Art, Music & MORE!
Center time takes place within the school day using specific areas such as Science & Exploration, Housekeeping, Blocks, Art, Music, and...

States of Matter Part 2
We have been learning about states of matter. Today we had an experiment. We made a mixture with a solid, a liquid, and created a gas!...

Teddy Bear Picnic
Our three-year-olds had a teddy bear picnic today outside on the front lawn under a beautiful oak tree. While their teacher read the...

How can you see the protein in milk?
The students took regular milk, heated up in a beaker, then added vinegar, stirred rigorously. A reaction began to take place with the...
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